Personal budgets

We can help you with arranging your own care through a personal budget

Personal budgets are money you might receive from health or social services to spend on your own care and support instead of them providing it for you. You may decided to take your personal budget through something called a Direct Payment.

We can also help you if you pay for your own care (self fund).

If you are eligible for a personal budget, you might employ one or more personal assistants, a care agency or a service like our Possability People: at home service, who can help you:

  • With personal care, having a bath, washing or getting dressed
  • To live independently
  • To go out and enjoy social activities or go on a short break
  • To go to work or college.

Having a direct payment has had an enormous impact on my life. I am less stressed, as my PA assists me with essential tasks I couldn’t manage before. This has resulted in a massive improvement in my health, sleep, diet, well being, physical and mental health. I feel in control and I have a choice over who to employ and what they do. It all works so well.

Once you have a personal budget, you need to find a personal assistant. We can help you manage you money, deal with your paperwork and pay your PAs.

We have offices in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex. Why don’t you give us a ring for an information chat on 01273 894060 or if you prefer, email